Daily Routines Vocabulary Video Flashcards. For kindergarten kids and English language learners. ESL classroom
Daily Routines Vocabulary Video Flashcards. For kindergarten kids and English language learners. ESL classroom
Contains 40 Cards: wake up, get up, make the bed, wash, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, brush your hair, get ready, get on the bus, go to school, learn, take a break, eat lunch, take a nap, play, go home, feed the dog, walk the dog, take out the trash, go shopping, hangout with friends, surf the internet, watch TV, sweep, vacuum, mop, mow the grass, water the plants, do the laundry, set the table, eat dinner, wash the dishes, do homework, read a book, play sports, play games, take a shower, go to bed, Goodbye
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